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Advice for Recent Graduates
By Hardeep Arora
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Now that you've graduated from school, you'll want a solid resume that will land you the job you've been working for. Although you may not have as much experience in the work force as older applicants, you can still create a resume that expounds upon the skills and qualities you do have. You may opt for a functional format, which allows you to focus on the skills you have, or a chronological one, where you can list your work experience in reverse chronological order. The main thing to do is to keep it simple and no longer than one page. Including your GPA is always a good thing if it is 3.0 or higher. Your class ranking would be excellent to display if you were in the top of your class. Just keep in mind that employers want to know what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.

Whether you are a college student resume writing or looking to change careers, creating a successful resume is an art, with certain basic guidelines that should be followed. Any major deviation from these cardinal rules can prove to be hazardous to your professional health. When college student resume writing, keeping it brief is usually better. So college student resume writing should try to fit the entire resume on a single page, especially if he/she has little or no work experience. Sample resumes indicate you should begin with your name, address, home, and work numbers listed on top. Next come summarization of your qualifications, achievements, education, work experience, community service, and related skills.

Entry level resumes sample reveal education usually precedes work history. This dictum becomes all the more important if you graduated from a prestigious university. Additionally, entry level resumes sample show some other things that should also be included in this section, depending on your particulars: Grade point average (GPA) if 3.0 or above and Class Rank (top 1/3 or better), honors and awards, activities, relevant coursework (especially if you are interested in a particular area), courses in which you received high grades, descriptions of seminars or honors that were notable or unique, internships, and study abroad experiences.

Having listed your academic background, college student resume writing can either follow a reverse chronological format if he/she possesses relevant work experience, or a functional format which focuses on human factors such as leadership, technical skills, and organizational abilities, if he/she does not have sufficient employment history. Entry level resumes sample reveal there are no strict principles about how your credentials must be presented; else candidates with great credentials would have always got the good jobs, while others with less than perfect credentials would be forever stuck in bad jobs.

Innumerable sample resumes prove the fact that your resume gives you an opportunity to level the playing field. The worst thing any college student resume writing can do is take someone else's resume and simply fill in the blanks with his information. College student resume writing need to view resume as an opportunity to showcase what he/she bring to table that competitors do not. Entry level resumes sample prove that a winning resume is composed of information that employers are most interested in knowing about a prospective applicant.

The ideal job search is of course the one that results in being hired for the targeted job in the least amount of time. Your goal in finding a job may be to make more money and advance your career, but if college student resume writing conveys this fact, he/she will surely find place in the rejection pile. If there is anything that can approximate a magic formula, it is this: employers want to know what you can do for them. Adopting this mantra will start you on your way to a successful job search.


Jeffrey G. Allen. The Resume Makeover

Marjorie Eberts. Careers in Child Care

Arthur D. Rosenberg, David V. Hizer. The Resume Handbook: How to Write Outstanding Resumes & Cover Letters for Every Situation

VGM Career Books. Resumes for College Students and Recent Graduates, VGM Career Books (Firm), Editors of VGM

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Resume Writing for Graduates

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